Puffin Consult

Dorte Hartmann is often utilized as a consultant across all facets of the music industry. Reach out for inquiries.

Roles and collaborators include:

Project Manager
For projects such as Popkorn Nordic and Snapshots of a Wo/Man.
Collaborations also include DELTA MUSIKFEST (Roskilde Festival, Gimle, Musikby og Kildegården, Klub Øst), Musikmetropolen, Dansk Live, and Spil Dansk.
Expertise includes project management, venue industry knowledge, volunteer coordination, audience development, and talent development.

Idea generator, sparring partner, and fundraiser
For organizations such as Gimle, Loppen, Det Musiske Hus, Stubhuset, ALFA, Jammerbugt Kultur- og Erhvervscenter, Spillestedet Stengade, Region Nordjylland, Aalborg Festival, Copenhagen World Music Festival, JazzDanmark, KFF, and Musikparlamentet.
Specializes in fundraising, project design, music industry knowledge and strategy.

Process consultant and workshop facilitator
For the European interest organization for live event organizers, LIVE DMA.
Expertise includes process management, workshop design, execution, and follow-up using the Appreciative Inquiry method.

